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What are the signs of stress? You probably already have a personal stress gauge and know your own symptoms of stress. Stress is extremely personal and so is your reaction to stressful scenarios, that’s why the signs and symptoms of stress tend to vary from person to person. It’s also why some people may seem to handle being stressed better than others. It’s very personal.

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For instance, one of the first signs that happen when the body undergoes stress is blood is diverted away from your digestive tract to your large muscles. This can cause the stomach and intestines to empty their contents preparing the body for quick action. It’s referred to as the fight or flight syndrome. When the body reaches that level of stress, anxiety, or nervousness, some people also experience stomach cramps, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea.

Below is a list of some of the potential symptoms of stress or signs of stress that are commonly associated with the emotional impact of stress.

Signs of Stress

  • Anxious
  • Mind-racing
  • Chest palpitations
  • Problems concentrating
  • Anxiety
  • Easily irritated
  • Avoiding people and responsibilities
  • Focusing on negative thoughts
  • Anger issues
  • Headaches
  • Digestive problems
  • Muscle tension and pain
  • Sleep issues
  • Fatigue
  • High blood pressure
  • Weight loss or gain
  • Skins problems – breakouts, rashes, hives
  • Hair loss
  • Decreased sex drive
  • Nervous behaviors – nail biting, pacing, teeth grinding

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Get Pro-Active About Stress Relief

If you recognize these signs of stress and experience even three of these stress symptoms simultaneously, you are probably dealing with a great deal of stress. All of the symptoms of stress listed above have the potential to harm your health and emotional well-being.

If you think your stress is out of your control or something you feel you truly cannot handle, consult your doctor immediately. The point is to be pro-active about stress relief. If you do nothing to reduce or relieve the stress in your life, your health will most certainly suffer.

Can These Signs of Stress Make You Sick?

They most certainly can. Can these stress symptoms age you prematurely? You know they can. What triggers signs of stress in your life? Again, it varies from person to person, but it could be one or a combination of the stress-triggers listed below.

Top 10 Stress-Triggers

  • Finances
  • Health issues
  • Marriage – relationships
  • Career pressures
  • Parenting – children
  • Aging parents
  • Legal issues
  • Scheduling – “to-do” list
  • Education
  • Transportation

Control Stress

Yes, everything you experience has the potential to induce stress in your life. What is more important is how you cope with stress.

Think about how you personally deal with your signs of stress right now. Do you tense up? Does your chest heat up and feel full of anxiety? Does your stomach do a dance? Your response to your signs of stress is the thing you need to control.

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Stress triggers will always be around, so make a mental note about how you feel when you’re relaxed and free of any signs of stress. Remember that feeling and use that feeling as your point of reference. When you feel your signs of stress building up, you want to be able to bring your emotions back to the awareness of how your body feels when you are relaxed and stress-free.

Stop Stress

You also want to stop your stress before your stress symptoms negatively impact you. One of the easiest ways to control stress is to purposely take time to focus on relieving stress.

Basic imagery meditation is just one of the stress-relieving techniques you will find on Tranquility is Yours. Using guided imagery to relieve stress can power your ability to release anxiety and stress.

Just as stressful images can cause stress, soothing imagery can relieve stress.

Use our relaxing videos to discover your inner resources and refuel your outer expressions. When you allow yourself to focus on the calming imagery in the relaxing videos, the imagery can help trigger your mind to let go of stress, and allow you to experience inner peace and tranquility. You may be surprised at just how relaxed you may begin to feel and how quickly you can experience fast stress relief.

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Stress is Interesting

Stress is interesting because it usually concentrates on specific parts of your body. You may get headaches, backaches, or stress-knots in your neck or shoulders. For instance, if stress collects in your upper body, you may also feel a heat sensation in your chest as your stress levels and signs of stress rise.

What can you do about a sensation of heat rising in your chest area when you are feeling stressed? Put something cold on the center of your chest to reduce the sensation of heat. Even if the heat in your chest is the beginning of a panic attack, you can greatly reduce the impact of this symptom of stress by stopping the sensation of heat from building up in your chest. Put a cold cloth or a cold object on the affected area and stop that symptom of stress in its tracks. You can also do two or three repetitions of breathing exercises to prevent the stress from building up. Breathe in deeply and slowly through your nose to the count of five, and breathe out slowly through your mouth to the count of six. Don’t give stress an opportunity to build.

Know When Your Signs of Stress Are on the Rise

What can you do when stress collects in your neck, shoulders, or back? Visit our relaxation exercises page for some very useful relaxation positions to release muscle stress and tension, and relieve those stress knots that tend to develop in the shoulder and neck regions.

Don’t let stress reach a crescendo. Take action. Shut it down. Visit our breathing exercises page for more specific instructions on how to use breathing to relieve stress. Stress-reducing relaxation and breathing exercises can be very effective against stress.

Bookmark this site and use Tranquility is Yours as your online stress management resource to help you find stress-reducing techniques that work for you. Don’t wait until you are having a full-blown meltdown. Take action against stress build-up the moment you notice your signs of stress are on the rise.

It’s really up to you to turn it around. After all, you are the one sending your body and mind the instructions to go into a tailspin. Stress does not usually intensify until you activate the emotional triggers.

Remember, you’re in charge. Know your signs of stress and learn to control your stress before stress controls you.

To relieve stress coupled with depression visit our light therapy page. To bathe your stress away visit our Epsom salt page, and to soothe stress and depression away visit our aromatherapy, or self-hypnosis page. You can also play your stress away with our stress relief game.

Also See: Harvard Health Publications – Stress
